Indie Brands

HaiyiBeauty is a supplier of raw ingredients for beauty. It is the place where beauty start. With Sensient ingredients, you can formulate peace of mind.

Cosmetic claims, labels & ingredient lists

Did you know that ANY cosmetic brand, even small cosmetic brands, are directly responsible for their cosmetic claims, labels and ingredient lists? This includes links to external websites, even if they are research or testimonials; and ALL of your social media posts. Just because another brand has non-compliant cosmetic claims or labels does not exempt you from what YOU have on your labels, website and posts. Customers and competitors can report you to Regulatory Authorities at any time – breaking these rules can result in recalls and fines – don’t risk it! Learn the rules to get your labels and claims right.

Safety first

Each pigment is tested on heavy metal, each ingredient comes with information on residual solvent, residual monomer (when applicable). Natural colors are guaranteed 100% natural, non gmo, no pesticide.

Ex: Our pigments Unipure LC are tested on 12 heavy metals. Ariafine are tested on 16 heavy metals to comply the toy industry, our Natpure Xfine colors dossier contain information on proteins and pesticides.


Each ingredients comes with a cosmetic dossier with all the ingredients you will need to label correctly.

For example: Unipure LC range is global compliant (comply all local regulations). Our Hair color dye Arianor have the highest purity you can find on the market.


All the claims of our ingredients are objectivized.


We provide certificate for Cosmos, Halal, Kosher, Vegan, Fair for Life, Amazonian rainforest… Check in ourproduct finder.

Where to learn about trends?

Be updated with what’s happening in the beauty industry, find out what the latest trends are and how you can be ahead of the pack by reading our Market Insights.

Where to find ingredients and to produce

If you want to produce internally

Sourcing: You are an indie brand and it may be difficult to source ingredients directly from producers. Moreover, there are some fake ingredients on the market. If you want to make sure you buy the original ingredients, contact us and we will connect you with our account managers or distributors (if we don’t sell directly in your country).

List of distributors and partners working with Sensient ingredients in your region:

Our distributors and partners have samples of our formulations. Contact us to get the list of our distributors and partners available for your region.

Need more information?

If you wish to learn more about our ingredients, you may explore our videos series ‘Digital Learning Lab’ where we show you how to formulate beauty products with our ingredients on a lab scale.

Do note that you will need to have a MySensient account in order to view the full videos.